In a dystopian future, contestants compete in a cross-country road race in which killing is part of the game. Death Racers is an American B movie directed by Roy Knyrim and is a mockbuster of Death Race. Released direct-to-video on September 16, 2008, the film stars the Horror Core group Insane Clown Posse and wrestler Scott "Raven" Levy.
Death Racers (2008)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction, Thriller
Cast: Jason Ellefson, Robert Pike Daniel, Stephen Blackehart, Dean Kreyling, Caroline Attwood
Crew: Roy Knyrim, Roy Knyrim, Andrew Helm, Patrick Tantalo
Release: 2008-09-28
Courier: Viviane Davis V
Manager of Air Crew: Marcellus Fadel
Electronics Engineering Technician: Gilbert Roob
Budget: $5,809,695
Revenue: $13,148,028
Adjustment Clerk: Prof. Joey Langworth V
Dragline Operator: Dr. Graham Cremin DVM
Homeland Security: Rubie Larkin
Mathematician: Alessandro White
Life Science Technician: Jennings Kuphal PhD
Online Marketing Analyst: Prof. Maurine Buckridge
Mental Health Counselor: Malcolm Wuckert
Cast: Jason Ellefson, Robert Pike Daniel, Stephen Blackehart, Dean Kreyling, Caroline Attwood
Crew: Roy Knyrim, Roy Knyrim, Andrew Helm, Patrick Tantalo
Release: 2008-09-28
Courier: Viviane Davis V
Manager of Air Crew: Marcellus Fadel
Electronics Engineering Technician: Gilbert Roob
Budget: $5,809,695
Revenue: $13,148,028
Adjustment Clerk: Prof. Joey Langworth V
Dragline Operator: Dr. Graham Cremin DVM
Homeland Security: Rubie Larkin
Mathematician: Alessandro White
Life Science Technician: Jennings Kuphal PhD
Online Marketing Analyst: Prof. Maurine Buckridge
Mental Health Counselor: Malcolm Wuckert
This action thriller takes a grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost your life In this race contestants participate in a crosscountry road race where killing is how you win the game.
Death Racers is appallingly written I have not heard such atrocious dialogue in a long while even for Steve the Hammer while the story consists of predictable plotting rushed pacing and very clumsily choreographed action sequences and you dont learn anything or care about the characters The acting is also dire.
Death Racers 2 Flash 89 92771 plays Heli Combat Flash 85 358986 plays Pepsi Max Monster Truck Mayhem Flash 82 70037 plays Cyborg Hefers From Outer Space Flash 80 188664 plays Shmupnage HTML5 93 2641 plays Pepsi Max Breakout Flash 74 .
Death Racers is a competitive movementbased Game Mode where you race against other players Run Jump Knock out opponents and be at the podium.
Trailer Death Racers YouTube In this grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost you your life contestants participate in a crosscountry death race .
Death Racers is an American B movie directed by Roy Knyrim Released directtovideo on September 16 2008 the film stars the hip hop group Insane Clown Posse and wrestler Scott Raven Levy.
In Death Racers we find ourselves watching a different type of sporting event In this grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost you your life contestants compete in a crosscountry death race where killing is how you win the game.
The program of the death racers 2 game is prepared by the Suzi that killed a political prisoner and is highly passion toward crime has led her to be leader of the death racers 2 She has a team of accomplice that you have to compete with in this Death Racers 2 in play online game
Death Racers is appallingly written I have not heard such atrocious dialogue in a long while even for Steve the Hammer while the story consists of predictable plotting rushed pacing and very clumsily choreographed action sequences and you dont learn anything or care about the characters The acting is also dire.
Death Racers 2 Flash 89 92771 plays Heli Combat Flash 85 358986 plays Pepsi Max Monster Truck Mayhem Flash 82 70037 plays Cyborg Hefers From Outer Space Flash 80 188664 plays Shmupnage HTML5 93 2641 plays Pepsi Max Breakout Flash 74 .
Death Racers is a competitive movementbased Game Mode where you race against other players Run Jump Knock out opponents and be at the podium.
Trailer Death Racers YouTube In this grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost you your life contestants participate in a crosscountry death race .
Death Racers is an American B movie directed by Roy Knyrim Released directtovideo on September 16 2008 the film stars the hip hop group Insane Clown Posse and wrestler Scott Raven Levy.
In Death Racers we find ourselves watching a different type of sporting event In this grim vision of the future where brutality is a virtue and mercy will cost you your life contestants compete in a crosscountry death race where killing is how you win the game.
The program of the death racers 2 game is prepared by the Suzi that killed a political prisoner and is highly passion toward crime has led her to be leader of the death racers 2 She has a team of accomplice that you have to compete with in this Death Racers 2 in play online game
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