"Mechanical Love" is a documentary on the interrelationship between robots and humans. The film portrays people who have a close relationship with a robot, and it takes us from the high temple of robot technology, Tokyo, Japan, to Braunschweig, Germany, to Italy and back to Copenhagen, Denmark. By this world tour director Phie Ambo seeks to highlight the human need for love and our craving to be loved by others - perhaps the two most important aspects of life. Through the main characters, she examines the cultural differences in how we accept emotional robots in the East and the West.
Mechanical Love (2007)
Genre: Documentary
Cast: Germaine Armstrong, Dr. Brennon Larson DDS, Annie Dach, Prof. Mckayla Rosenbaum, Rhianna Nicolas
Crew: Phie Ambo
Release: 2007-11-06
Budget: $4,967,958
Revenue: $33,540,197
Marine Engineer: Devonte Lueilwitz
Painter: Lavern O'Conner
Artillery Crew Member: Marcella Wolf IV
Instructional Coordinator: Marianna Sawayn
Production Helper: Prof. Carole Howe Jr.
Bridge Tender OR Lock Tender: Dr. Bennett Jakubowski
Loading Machine Operator: Dewayne Rath
Farmworker: Nolan Murphy
Career Counselor: Reymundo Heaney
Utility Meter Reader: Lexus Lemke
Child Care: Morgan Stehr
Talent Acquisition Manager: Prof. Dakota Kautzer
Soil Scientist OR Plant Scientist: Eden Ortiz
Occupational Health Safety Technician: Elmira Weber
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeur: Lelia Schroeder
Cast: Germaine Armstrong, Dr. Brennon Larson DDS, Annie Dach, Prof. Mckayla Rosenbaum, Rhianna Nicolas
Crew: Phie Ambo
Release: 2007-11-06
Budget: $4,967,958
Revenue: $33,540,197
Marine Engineer: Devonte Lueilwitz
Painter: Lavern O'Conner
Artillery Crew Member: Marcella Wolf IV
Instructional Coordinator: Marianna Sawayn
Production Helper: Prof. Carole Howe Jr.
Bridge Tender OR Lock Tender: Dr. Bennett Jakubowski
Loading Machine Operator: Dewayne Rath
Farmworker: Nolan Murphy
Career Counselor: Reymundo Heaney
Utility Meter Reader: Lexus Lemke
Child Care: Morgan Stehr
Talent Acquisition Manager: Prof. Dakota Kautzer
Soil Scientist OR Plant Scientist: Eden Ortiz
Occupational Health Safety Technician: Elmira Weber
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeur: Lelia Schroeder
Mechanical Love Fighters - 5th EP, by Robotprins.
Mechanical Love is a 2007 documentary by Danish filmmaker Phie Ambo about Hiroshi Ishiguro and his work on robots that resemble humans (gynoids and ....
Mechanical Love - Wikipedia.
I saw a fascinating, wonderfully made documentary film this weekend at the Film Festival. Called Mechanical Love, this film is directed by Danish filmmaker Phie Ambo and examines the interrela….
Mechanical Love (2007).
Trevor Something - Mechanical Love.
"Mechanical Love" is a documentary on the interrelationship between robots and humans. The film portrays people who have a close relationship with a robot,….
4.9k votes, 586 comments. 280k members in the unix community. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or ….
Mechanical Love Fighters - 5th EP by Robotprins, released 24 April 2016 1. Flight North-North West 2. Punch Machine 3. Prinsessrobot 4. Mechanical Love ....
Watch Mechanical Love Online | Vimeo On Demand.
As modern technology develops, and increasingly life-like robots move from factories into our homes, how will human beings interact with these machines?.
In This Moment - Mechanical Love.
Mechanical Love.
"Mechanical Love" is a documentary on the interrelationship between robots and humans. The film portrays people who have a close relationship with a robot, and it takes us from the high temple of robot technology, Tokyo, Japan, to Braunschweig, Germany, to Italy and back to Copenhagen, Denmark. By this world tour director Phie Ambo seeks to highlight the human need for love and our craving to be loved by others - perhaps the two most important aspects of life. Through the main characters, she examines the cultural differences in how we accept emotional robots in the East and the West..
Jun 26, 2014 ... Remix of Com Truise - HyperlipsMy feelings are programmed,. System automatic. Monotonous affections, emotional schematics. I cant give in ....
Mechanical Love.
I remember you that night / Standing in the rain / Your black stare / Your black eyes / I remember what you said / Before I turned away / My heart died / Your sweetest lies / And.
In This Moment – Mechanical Love.
r/unix - [Awesome] Mechanical Love.
Sep 29, 2012 ... ... know you'll never understand me No matter how hard we try And I, know I'll never understand you And your mechanical love I still hear you in ...
Mechanical Love is a 2007 documentary by Danish filmmaker Phie Ambo about Hiroshi Ishiguro and his work on robots that resemble humans (gynoids and ....
Mechanical Love - Wikipedia.
I saw a fascinating, wonderfully made documentary film this weekend at the Film Festival. Called Mechanical Love, this film is directed by Danish filmmaker Phie Ambo and examines the interrela….
Mechanical Love (2007).
Trevor Something - Mechanical Love.
"Mechanical Love" is a documentary on the interrelationship between robots and humans. The film portrays people who have a close relationship with a robot,….
4.9k votes, 586 comments. 280k members in the unix community. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or ….
Mechanical Love Fighters - 5th EP by Robotprins, released 24 April 2016 1. Flight North-North West 2. Punch Machine 3. Prinsessrobot 4. Mechanical Love ....
Watch Mechanical Love Online | Vimeo On Demand.
As modern technology develops, and increasingly life-like robots move from factories into our homes, how will human beings interact with these machines?.
In This Moment - Mechanical Love.
Mechanical Love.
"Mechanical Love" is a documentary on the interrelationship between robots and humans. The film portrays people who have a close relationship with a robot, and it takes us from the high temple of robot technology, Tokyo, Japan, to Braunschweig, Germany, to Italy and back to Copenhagen, Denmark. By this world tour director Phie Ambo seeks to highlight the human need for love and our craving to be loved by others - perhaps the two most important aspects of life. Through the main characters, she examines the cultural differences in how we accept emotional robots in the East and the West..
Jun 26, 2014 ... Remix of Com Truise - HyperlipsMy feelings are programmed,. System automatic. Monotonous affections, emotional schematics. I cant give in ....
Mechanical Love.
I remember you that night / Standing in the rain / Your black stare / Your black eyes / I remember what you said / Before I turned away / My heart died / Your sweetest lies / And.
In This Moment – Mechanical Love.
r/unix - [Awesome] Mechanical Love.
Sep 29, 2012 ... ... know you'll never understand me No matter how hard we try And I, know I'll never understand you And your mechanical love I still hear you in ...
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