ŽIŽEK! trails the thinker as he crisscrosses the globe, racing from New York City lecture halls, through the streets of Buenos Aires, and even stopping at home in Ljubljana, Slovenia. All the while Žižek obsessively reveals the invisible workings of ideology through his unique blend of Lacanian psychoanalysis, Marxism, and critique of pop culture.

Žižek! (2005)
Genre: Documentary
Cast: Slavoj Žižek, Astra Taylor
Crew: Lawrence Konner, Astra Taylor, Astra Taylor, Laura Hanna
Release: 2005-11-18
Budget: $3,336,793
Logging Tractor Operator: Tremayne Schuppe
Night Security Guard: Prof. Preston Miller DVM
Computer Programmer: Dewayne Shanahan
Accountant: Alexandrine Bins
Geographer: Lia Boehm
Casting Machine Operator: Mr. Marques McKenzie V
Travel Guide: Dr. Arjun Larson V
Plating Operator: Vicenta Flatley V
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician: Art Hansen
Food Servers: Reanna Schuster
Dental Assistant: Christelle Glover I
Revenue: $20,872,724
Press Machine Setter, Operator: Johan Hansen
Cast: Slavoj Žižek, Astra Taylor
Crew: Lawrence Konner, Astra Taylor, Astra Taylor, Laura Hanna
Release: 2005-11-18
Budget: $3,336,793
Logging Tractor Operator: Tremayne Schuppe
Night Security Guard: Prof. Preston Miller DVM
Computer Programmer: Dewayne Shanahan
Accountant: Alexandrine Bins
Geographer: Lia Boehm
Casting Machine Operator: Mr. Marques McKenzie V
Travel Guide: Dr. Arjun Larson V
Plating Operator: Vicenta Flatley V
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician: Art Hansen
Food Servers: Reanna Schuster
Dental Assistant: Christelle Glover I
Revenue: $20,872,724
Press Machine Setter, Operator: Johan Hansen
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SIMPLE T Written by IDL Tue Jun 30 152301 2020 BITPIX 8 NAXIS 0 EXTEND T CHECKSUM 7TS27RR27RR27RR2 HDU checksum updated 20200630T202958 DATASUM 0 data unit checksum updated 20200630T202958 END.
Miloš Žužek dr med s p Kotnikova 33 Ljubljana tel 040 386 309 vsak delavnik med 8 in 9 uro zjutraj.
Žižek was born in Ljubljana SR Slovenia Yugoslavia into a middleclass family His father Jože Žižek was an economist and civil servant from the region of Prekmurje in eastern Slovenia His mother Vesna a native of the Gorizia Hills in the Slovenian Littoral was an accountant in a state enterprise His parents were atheists.
id3 tsse lavf5829100ÿûpÀinfo Û¼ 1369behkmortwz\acfiknqtux€ƒ…ˆŠŒ ’•—šœž¡¤¦©¬®°³µ .
TheÐrojectÇutenbergÅBookïf €úapersÁnd×ritingsÏfÁbrahamÌincoln‚zVolumeÔwoây ƒ’ƒ¼isåƒ2€Hforô„Huseƒ©anyone€9wher€Htîoãost€Ød÷ith…âalm€¡€à‡xtrictions÷hatsoever  Ùouíay øpyétçive€Háw€°orˆ2reƒá€°unde„ktermsˆ„щ ‰ Licen ¡ncludedŠr„Ù†P†æ†Àonli†it .
Slavoj Žižek slovenski filozof in kulturni kritik 21 marec 1949 Ljubljana Bil je profesor na evropski podiplomski šoli mednarodni direktor Birkbeck Inštituta za humanistične študije in višji raziskovalec na Inštitutu za sociologijo Univerze v Ljubljani Slovenija.
OggS påMñç˜ fishead è è OggS tA¨ ˆåÒà €theora ÈÀOggS ÚcÈ“Xû vorbis D¬€8 ¸ OggSpåM 4Z PPfisbonetA¨ ContentType videotheora fisbone Úc D¬ ContentType audiovorbis OggStA¨ ˆÒXå Pÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ theora libTheora I 20081020 3 2 1 ENCODERffmpeg2theora024‚theora¾Í÷¹Ík µ©IJ sœæ1ŒR”¤ 1Œb „ ôá´v õp´˜k
SIMPLE T Written by IDL Tue Jun 30 152301 2020 BITPIX 8 NAXIS 0 EXTEND T CHECKSUM 7TS27RR27RR27RR2 HDU checksum updated 20200630T202958 DATASUM 0 data unit checksum updated 20200630T202958 END.
Miloš Žužek dr med s p Kotnikova 33 Ljubljana tel 040 386 309 vsak delavnik med 8 in 9 uro zjutraj.
Žižek was born in Ljubljana SR Slovenia Yugoslavia into a middleclass family His father Jože Žižek was an economist and civil servant from the region of Prekmurje in eastern Slovenia His mother Vesna a native of the Gorizia Hills in the Slovenian Littoral was an accountant in a state enterprise His parents were atheists.
id3 tsse lavf5829100ÿûpÀinfo Û¼ 1369behkmortwz\acfiknqtux€ƒ…ˆŠŒ ’•—šœž¡¤¦©¬®°³µ .
TheÐrojectÇutenbergÅBookïf €úapersÁnd×ritingsÏfÁbrahamÌincoln‚zVolumeÔwoây ƒ’ƒ¼isåƒ2€Hforô„Huseƒ©anyone€9wher€Htîoãost€Ød÷ith…âalm€¡€à‡xtrictions÷hatsoever  Ùouíay øpyétçive€Háw€°orˆ2reƒá€°unde„ktermsˆ„щ ‰ Licen ¡ncludedŠr„Ù†P†æ†Àonli†it .
Slavoj Žižek slovenski filozof in kulturni kritik 21 marec 1949 Ljubljana Bil je profesor na evropski podiplomski šoli mednarodni direktor Birkbeck Inštituta za humanistične študije in višji raziskovalec na Inštitutu za sociologijo Univerze v Ljubljani Slovenija.
OggS påMñç˜ fishead è è OggS tA¨ ˆåÒà €theora ÈÀOggS ÚcÈ“Xû vorbis D¬€8 ¸ OggSpåM 4Z PPfisbonetA¨ ContentType videotheora fisbone Úc D¬ ContentType audiovorbis OggStA¨ ˆÒXå Pÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ theora libTheora I 20081020 3 2 1 ENCODERffmpeg2theora024‚theora¾Í÷¹Ík µ©IJ sœæ1ŒR”¤ 1Œb „ ôá´v õp´˜k
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